A song for UKIP

(Actually, more of a poem than a song…)


Right wing chumps of the world unite!

It’s time to take a stand and fight,

It’s time to desert the sinking ship,

Leave the Tories: join UKIP!

Follow your heart and not your head,

Maggie would back us (were she not dead,)

Listen to the Mail, Telegraph and Express,

Say no to EU bureaucracy and excess!

Are you racist to a small degree?

We’re less scary than the BNP!

If the PC liberals had their way,

Everyone in the world would be gay.

The EU is far too large.

Vote for an Englishman named Farage.

Join the UKIP throng as we march today,

Towards a glorious yesterday!

The rest of us on Planet Earth,

Should cheer on UKIP for all our worth,

For like in 1983,

They’re splitters like the SDP.

For Farage and his doltish band,

Are giving Labour a helping hand,

The bigger the split grows on the Right,

The better things look on election night.

So if you are a lefty liberal type like me,

And value the NHS and BBC,

And don’t blame the poor for being poor,

Or lay all our ills at the immigrant’s door.

If you don’t want to make life a misery,

For the poorest and weakest in society,

Then pray that UKIP win some seats,

And help Labour into Downing Street.

Chris Hallam.

2 thoughts on “A song for UKIP

  1. Lest We Forget

    Of these men and women who died in their millions?

    Brave and true, without question,

    proud to be British, not ashamed to be Christian.

    So many years have passed,

    it seems our memory doesn’t last.

    Forgetting these courageous people, to our shame.

    Why can’t we remember their names?

    How short is our memory?

    That we have forgotten them already?

    Died in their millions fighting for our freedom,

    believing in our free democratic ideology.

    What does it take to wake up this country,

    to rise once again from its complacency?

    How much more do we take, before we decide to fight,

    for our beliefs, our traditions and our liberty?


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